Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Disks no more!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Valentines Craft
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
School Room Mission complete !
Teacher deserves an apple!! :)
Look!!! Nothing on the ground :)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Simplify, Simplify, Simplify
I really wanted to make a fun Valentine decoration today that I learned from another blogger but instead I think Im going to try and tackle this jungle today. Im alittle nervous because it seems alittle daunting. But Ive collected alot of tips and I think it can be done. Im also alittle embarrassed that I let my desk get this way. I have blinders on. Thats my excuse. lol You cant organize junk so most of this is going to have to go or it needs a specific spot. These spots also need to be easy access. If I cant get to the spot I usually do the "dump and run" technique which as you can see is working great! Sigh
Friday, January 23, 2009
Keys, Keys, and MORE Keys
I decided I should start organizing all our keys. We have keys to the 5th wheel, both parents house, horse trailer, mailbox (2 miles down road), 10 locks for gates, all 3 cars spare keys, and our ulility trailer. Im thinking this is a good one because if theres a fire or emerency I can quickly find the keys. I sat down and thought No I should start organizing the desk, Im surrounded by books, papers, and coupons everywhere, total chaos, but instead I got up and saw something Ive been painting , took it out in the garage, painted alittle and came back and made lunch. Remembered I was working on the keys, started looking all over the house for spare keys. Actually these arent all of them. Yikes! Most of these I have no idea.
While looking for the keys I thought, hey I have two drawers that are junk drawers I should clean these out. They were full to the brim with tools, KEYS, and just junk. So at least I accomplished some kind of organizing today. Hour later thought to myself as Im grinning down at one empty drawer and one organized drawer, hey, wasent I organizing keys?? sigh.
Off to try to stay on track.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Finished Pantry!!! Well, almost....
This is a shoe rack organizier . Got from my friend Linda for free. Im using it until I can get one of those fancy dancy costco can organiziers :)
I went through and purged about 1/2 my cookbooks I never use. I got the magazine holder that is holding food mazagines that I use all the time from Target in their clearance section. It was all scratched up so I painted it. Im going to need one more of these for some more magazines that I need to go through and see if I want to keep. That metal box is a Martha Stewart recipe box from my mom :)
The basket on top is holding pasta and the basket on the bottom is holding all those side dishes packets that are really slippery and slide all over the place.
I cant believe how much duplicate spices I had. Because I was so unorganized I just kept buying them. grrrrr I tossed out the bad and consolidated all the new :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Clear your space & clear your mind!! Amen
Im already working on another project. I know, getting ahead of myself, but I wanted to start thinking of this one. I can think while the paint dries :D
ORGANIZING KEYS. I really want to get my loads of misc. keys labeled and hung in a specific spot. Part of me says why go to all that work so if someone breaks in you make it so nice and convenient for them LOL But the other part of me, the part that has had GREAT panic in trying to find the spare key to the car because your husband took your keys while you were sleeping and didnt want to wake you up to tell you (how sweet) because he couldnt find his own! That part of me says, go through every drawer, every nook, and find and label those keys!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Working on Pantry
You painted leopard spots on WHAT?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Dreaming of Pottery Barn
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I TOO have Been Tagged!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Weigh IN day.
My goal for this week is to drink water. I really dont like water and only drink it if I really have too but Ive noticed if I drink my 8 cups a day the weight starts to fall off. I need to make water my friend.
Coat Rack
Monday, January 12, 2009
More organizing
Control Journal
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Bucket List

5th day on Weightloss Journey~ sniff sniff

Its the 5th day into my weightloss journey and everyone in the house is sick. UGH Nasty sinus colds so I actually havent been very hungry but Im eatting alittle every 3 hrs. Made homemade beef barely soup. One of the twins Favorites. Fresh warm bread would have been awesome if I had only remembered to use the new bread maker I bought! Sigh.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Yippie, lost 3 lbs so far!!!
Been exercising everyday, drinking my water, and staying in calorie range. So far so good :)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Here we go..
Right now its tough with the economy. Even for us. My husband put his dog training business into full time when he was recently laid off from a 17 year old job. UGH. Talk about having the rug pulled out from under you. My security blanket is gone :(
I started coupon shopping again and I am stocked up on 90% of tolietries so now my grocery bills are all food. My goal is to get down to $200 a month for groceries. Right now Im at $400. (Use to be $800-$1000 monthly)
I have a few websites I use to help with couponing. I'll post those later too.
I'll start blogging my moms tips and tricks soon.
3rd day into weightloss journey
I get alot of help and support from They have a great support system and you can keep track of your calorie intake and calories burned during the day. Best of all its all FREE!! yippie